Rachel Ni Chuinn
Rachel Ní Chuinn works with sound, movement, text and electronics to explore ideas of touch and physicality. She studied photography with Karl Grimes at DCU before going on to Central Saint Martin's College of Art and Design. In 2012, she graduated with first class honours from an MPhil in Music and Media Technologies, Trinity College Dublin where she studied composition with Donnacha Dennehy and Linda Buckley.
She has produced sound works for radio, live performance and installation. As a performer and co-director of the Dublin Laptop Orchestra, she has played with the National Symphony Orchestra, Crash Ensemble, Yurodny and This Is How We Fly. Her work has been performed at Sonic Vigil (Cork), The Goethe Institut, Axis Ballymun, Project Arts Centre, Smock Alley Theatre, the Samuel Beckett theatre, Articule (Montreal), Kulturhuset (Stockholm), White Rabbit (Nova Scotia) and the Dublin Fringe Festival amongst others.
Recent works include the radio feature The Shape of Things to Come for RTÉ lyric fm, Extremely Brief Impressions with Vanya Lambrecht Ward for the Platform Arts Centre, live radio project Mean Time at Richmond Barracks and sound and light performance Mare Tenebrosum with Renata Pekowska as part of Project Arts Centre’s Cube development programme. She is currently working on a musical audio tour of the solar system with sculptor Gillian Fitzpatrick. She also hosts weekly music radio show Cluastuiscint on Raidió na Life.
Mia Zabelka
Mia Zabelka is a sound artist, composer as well as an amazing experimental violinist and vocalist from Vienna, with czech, jewish and french familiar background. Comprehensively educated in classical music from early age on, she continued to construct and explore the limits of sound and music in a language entirely her own, based on the de- and reconstruction of the violin’s sonic possibilities, expanding the range of the instrument using live electronic devices, preparing it through the insertion of alien objects between or on the strings and innovative performance techniques.
NAWR ANOIS is a series of 7 concerts, running from February to July 2018. The series showcases the diverse music of contemporary Irish, Welsh and international artists. The series aims to develop deeper connections between Irish and Welsh composers, sound artists and musicians. The concerts will take place in the historic BBC Building in Swansea Studios at UWTSD. The series will feature: Mick O'Shea, Softday, Vicky Langan, Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh, Analog On, Rachel Ni Chuinn, and Clang Sayne.
Supported by Culture Ireland as part of GB18: Promoting Irish Arts in Britain.
Supported by Swansea College of Art, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.