3 duos 1 trio - a night of improvised music with the unique guitar playing of Philip Gibbs, selective scraps and percussive impacts from Barry "Bazmatronic" Edwards, and underground sax playing (Barking to Tooting) from Lyndon Owen.Philip Gibbs... is a prolific improviser whose work quite often flies under the radar. He self-taught himself how to play the guitar at the age of 13 and has been developing his style, technique and vocabulary ever since. One of the key developments in his playing being a two handed tapping technique that he developed in the ‘80’s and has been refining in different contexts through to the present day. He seems to use this with great effect and it appears to have become quite a significant feature in his armoury of techniques in a very adaptive and flexible way where he has such control that it is more of an approach to playing the instrument as opposed to just another trick or quirky effect. Having been an erstwhile colleague of Paul Dunmall he has appeared on many of the saxophonist’s recordingsCheckout https://www.jazzmusicarchives.com/artist/philip-gibbsBarry "Bazmatronic" EdwardsNo stranger to the Bank Vaults with the Triosh Trio, Barry Edwards is a professional musician and tutor working in the fields of improvisation and composition. Barry will be playing drums on this occasion but frequently performers as a guitarist in the free improvised scene in the UK.He is a graduate of the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire in jazz and regular contributor to the improvisational scene in both the U.K and Spain. Barry is also known for his music contribution to the Netflix series Spy Ops.Lyndon OwenA musician who performs, composes and is active in promoting community arts events. Primarily known as a saxophonist focussing on tenor and soprano, he also is regularly seen and heard playing a wide variety of wind instruments from throughout Europe and the Middle East. These include other saxophones, Gaita Gallega, various clarinets, tarogato, douduk, fujara, mey, zurnah, and various fipple flutes.Primarily an improvising musician he works in several genres encompassing jazz, world music, contemporary classical, dance music and free experimental work. He has also undertaken various recording work including commercially successful folk, rockabilly and dance pieces. As a composer he has written extensively for his own performance projects and films.heckout https://lyndonowen.cymru/about/