Mick O'Shea
Mick O’Shea lives and works in Cork city and is a member and director of the Cork Artists Collective and The Guesthouse and has been instrumental in establishing a vibrant and growing sound art scene in Cork city.
He has exhibited in UK, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Tasmania, USA, China and Japan. He studied instrument physics in C.I.T. and works as an instrument technician in UCC.
All of his works spring from his essential experience in drawing. His medium includes sculpture, drawing, sound and cooking.
In 2003 O’Shea and fellow artist Stephen Brandes and Irene Murphy set up the collaborative practice, The Domestic Godless which, through performative cooking events, explores culinary activity as art practice and tests assumptions about the cultural traditions of food in challenging and often irreverent and absurdist ways.
He also works with various sound artists and composers both national and international. In 2006 he formed The Quiet Club with sound artist Danny McCarthy to promote and showcase improvised music and soundworks. These include improvised collaborations with other sound artists as well as improvised and structured contemporary music events working with performers and composers such as Rhodri Davies, Stephen Vitiello, Steve Roden, David Toop, Rajesh Meta, Jennifer Walshe and Damo Suzuki.
Strange Attractor: Experiments in a quinary landscape and other fields, a dynamic, multi-dimensional series of collaborative ventures between five artists from Ireland using improvisational sound and experiments with technology and combined media. Anthony Kelly, Danny McCarthy, Irene Murphy, David Stalling
He formed Gaitkrash (an experimental performance group) with Bernadette Cronin and Regina Crowley in 2007
Rhodri Davies
Rhodri Davies was born in 1971 and lives in Swansea, South Wales. He plays harp, electric harp, live-electronics and builds wind, water, ice, dry ice and fire harp installations. He has released four solo albums: Trem, Over Shadows, Wound Response and An Air Swept Clean of All Distance. His regular groups include: HEN OGLEDD, Cranc, a duo with John Butcher, The Sealed Knot, Common Objects and a trio with John Tilbury and Michael Duch. He has worked with the following artists: David Sylvian, Jenny Hval, Derek Bailey, Mark Fell, Kahimi Karie, Laura Cannell, Lina Lapelyte, Sachiko M, Bill Orcutt, Jim O’Rourke, Christian Marclay and David Toop.
Emma Coulthard
Musician Emma Coulthard is Cardiff born and Dublin bred. Having moved to Dublin at a very young age, Emma began to study flute and recorder at the Royal Irish Academy of Music with Doris Keogh, specialising in Early and Contemporary music. She continued her studies at Trinity College Dublin where she gained a Masters Degree in Musicology. Emma has performed and recorded works by Irish Composers John Buckley, Martin O’Leary, Michael Holohan, Fergus Johnston and was the soloist for Paul Hayes’ Prix Italia piece Mass production . She has recorded for BBC and RTE television and radio. Now back in Cardiff, she has had pieces written for her by the late Welsh Composers Peter Reynolds and Mervyn Burtch, performing at the National Museum . Girl with Flute is a project rekindling her relationship with the flute and exploring the metamorphosis from voice to flute to electronics. Emma has had masterclasses with the New York Flute pioneer Robert Dick, who has been a huge influence, with extended techniques and the Glissando Headjoint. Emma is working with several composers on new projects and gave the premier of Fergus Johnston’s Planxty at the WMC this year.
NAWR ANOIS is a series of 7 concerts, running from February to July 2018. The series showcases the diverse music of contemporary Irish, Welsh and international artists. The series aims to develop deeper connections between Irish and Welsh composers, sound artists and musicians. The concerts will take place in the historic BBC Building in Swansea Studios at UWTSD. The series will feature: Mick O'Shea, Softday, Vicky Langan, Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh, Analog On, Rachel Ni Chuinn, and Clang Sayne.
Supported by Culture Ireland as part of GB18: Promoting Irish Arts in Britain.
Supported by Swansea College of Art, University of Wales Trinity Saint David.